Monday, July 18, 2011

Just another sunrise?

So for the 3rd time I decided to go out and shoot my own time lapse of the sun rising again. It looks pretty good besides the dirt on the lens which I will have to clean up in post. I got to hangout with a pretty cool person who I got to know a little better. She was apparently in a year long pranking war during her senior year in college which is pretty sweet if you ask me.

Besides the nice sunrise, the cool conversation, and the awesome time lapse there was a couple that came out to watch the sunrise round the same time we got out there. After a few minutes go by I look over to see the guy getting down on one knee...yup he was proposing. I have never seen a guy propose to a girl before but I could definitely tell that this guy was doing it right considering she said yes and was ecstatic with excitement. So congratulations to those two people whoever you are.

The camp is passed the halfway point which is pretty weird. Everything seems to be going really fast now since I have gotten used to everything I do. I took a break from the mountain over this last weekend and went with a group to see Harry Potter down in Fresno. It felt good to get away from Hume for a bit and step back into the real world. I have to say that for a personal response to the movie that I loved it. Nothing was cheesy and nothing looked like it was rushed in production. I could honestly sit there after the movie and say that it was good and well made. Except the epilogue at the end which was nothing but pure laughter for the whole audience and I. It definitely broke all of the dramatic tension in the room from the epic fight scene before.

I have found myself reading the bible and praying a lot more that I used too. I am finding that all of my strength is from God and not from things like my job, friends, or a girl. I figure that everything in this world can leave you, break, or get lost. What is the point of putting my strengths in worldly things if they are not going to last. God will always last and I know that He will never leave me. That is definitely one thing that I have learned while being up here.

Besides that everything seems to be going really well. I love my job more and more everyday but at the same time I can't wait to get back home.

Miss you all!!!


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